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Birth Injuries In Newborn

Susan Hendrix • March 31, 2024

Birth Injuries In Newborns

Birth injuries (also called birth trauma) describe any type of physical harm to a newborn baby before, during, or shortly after delivery.  Many babies suffer minor injuries during the delivery process that heal by themselves or can be managed with prompt and proper care. Unfortunately, severe birth injuries often have no cure, and your child may have a physical or intellectual disability for the rest of their life.

Some birth injuries of newborns are unavoidable, but others could have been prevented with proper medical care.

Alarmingly, medical professionals are known to downplay their role in birth injuries. Some even try sweeping mistakes under the rug or offering a quick lowball settlement to make the matter “go away.”

Causes of Birth Injuries

Birth injuries can be caused by factors such as fetal health issues, maternal health issues, or external conditions like medical malpractice or medical negligence.

Fetal Risk Factors

  • Breech (buttocks or feet first) delivery
  • Decreased blood flow (ischemia)
  • Fetal infection
  • Oxygen deprivation (hypoxia)

Maternal Risk Factors

  • Diabetes
  • Maternal infection
  • Obesity
  • Shape of the mother’s pelvis

To learn more go to Birth Injury Justice Center at Birth Injuries in Newborns | Get Information & Support (

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